Sagra della Sopressa Vicentina DOP

Sopressa Vicentina DOP
Valli del Pasubio (VICENZA)

Pro Loco Valli del Pasubio
tel. 0445 590176 - 338 362 0229

This festival is reserved for the sopressa DOP and to a kind of salami  produced by local producers. The event, as every country festival, includes entertainments and activities that aim to promote local history, culture and traditions. An event to recommend is the challenge “la Miglior sopressa dell'anno” (the best sopressa of the year) that is reserved to unmarketable sopressas produced by fans who continue the family tradition.

Find more: Pro Loco Valli del Pasubio


There are other 14 events of VICENZA. Discover them all!!
This event is included in the itinerary
 Le sette città
 La Grande Guerra
 Alto vicentino